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    Recommended by Swim Schools Worldwide

Happy New Year
Posted on 5th January 2017

It’s the start of a new year, diets have been started and resolutions made. And for thousands of parents up and down the country the start of the swim term has just begun. But if you are new to baby swim classes, or have heard about it and are unsure have a read below and then get baby booked in. It’s worth it trust me.

Baby swim lessons – what to expect

Baby swimming lessons have never been more popular, growing at over 20% a year in the UK alone it’s certainly something all new parents get talking about.

However, trying something new can be a daunting experience. Word of mouth and stories from other mums can put your mind at ease but what can you really expect from baby swim lessons and is it even worth it?

Yes is the answer, it really is worth it. Getting babies and toddlers familiar with water from birth is not only a good way to bond and begin to exercise but is an essential part of teaching them to swim and to respect the water.

Baby swim schools offer specialist sessions for babies from birth and focus on developing well adjusted, happy babies, with a strong sense of well-being in the water. This enables them to learn to swim at a faster rate than those who have not been to baby swim lessons.

As with all service providers you should do your homework and check out your swim school, so make sure you ask friends and other parents for recommendations and if possible go and watch a class before signing up.


What to look out for

We would strongly recommend you visit a class before enrolling your child for a full term, so you can look at the following.

  • Changing room facilities – is there somewhere to change your baby? Are bins provided for nappies? Is it clean?
  • Pool – Is it clean, warm and well maintained?
  • Teacher –Is he/she engaging – organized, confident and qualified?
  • Lesson – does it appear structured? Is the plan age appropriate?
  • Swim nappies – Are the babies and toddlers in a Happy Nappy / neoprene nappy over a paper swim nappy or reusable? If not consider how clean that pool water really is!

We do have a list of schools in your area on our website, it’s a good place to start and find schools and pools near you. http://www.splashabout.com/swim-schools/

It’s never too early to start baby swim classes, but being prepared before hand can make the whole experience much more fun.

Happy Splashing

Splash About