Guess who’s back? Baby swimming!!!
Posted on 9th March 2021

It is the news we have all been waiting for! The end of Coronavirus restrictions are in sight, with the reopening of swimming pools quite rightly set for Stage 2 of the Prime Ministers Roadmap plans.
This means from the 12th of April (if the official data allows!) we can don our cossies once again and get back in the pool. (in fact, if you’re feeling brave, you can do so in outdoor pools from 29th March!)
Here at Splash About, we are thrilled that our children can get back to their swimming lessons. A whole new generation of babies have already missed out on this baby rite of passage; we can’t wait for them to start their journey and for others to pick up where they left off.
What will baby swimming look like?
Baby swimming lesson providers have all been trained on COVID-19 safety measures and are well prepared to open the doors to their customers. You will notice even more rigorous cleaning of communal areas and plenty of hand sanitising facilities. Teachers will provide lessons adhering to social distancing measures, whilst ensuring your experience is not adversely affected.
There will be some big differences, however. Spectating will not be allowed during this stage of the roadmap and only one parent or carer will be allowed into the lessons with their baby. Facemasks will be required in all communal areas of the facility, including, where separate cubicles are not available, whilst changing in the changing room.
You may find that the cubicles are not in use so be prepared to change in communal areas, whilst maintaining a 2-metre social distance. That said, customers are highly encouraged to arrive at the pool ready to swim and leave as quickly as possible. This will mean showering at home and being prepared to travel home in a dressing gown!! Ok, maybe you won’t have to use a dressing gown, but comfortable, quick-change clothing is desirable. Keeping baby warm and comfortable after their lesson is obviously of paramount importance, so investing in a fleece-lined after swim onesie may just make your life easier.

Only take essentials with you to your lesson. The fewer bags you can manage, the better!
What is essential?
So, what should you be squeezing into your swimming bag?!
Towels. One each for baby and you
Baby’s swimming outfit
Happy Nappy, Nappy Wrap and liners or size adjustable under nappy.
Regular Nappy for after swimming
Changing Mat
Baby wipes
Bottle, drink or snack for baby
Underwear for you!!!!
This list is of course, not exhaustive, but may help if you are in a rush!

Check first with your swimming lesson provider as some classes require you to bring your own swim toys or noodles but some classes are providing these in lessons sanitising them between each use.
Whilst COVID-19 has made things we have come to know and love, a bit more stressful, we still want baby swimming to be a part of every baby's growing up story. Don’t be put off by the changes imposed upon us. Things may look a little different at the moment, but baby’s smile looking up at you whilst playing together in the water remains the same!
Welcome back and happy splashing!!