What The Redhead Said January 2015
Posted on 5th May 2015

Blogger mum ‘What the redhead said’ reviewed Splash About’s Warm-In-One and Combie wetsuits with her children and both got the thumbs up for keeping them warmer and happier in the water. Mum Donna comments:
“Little Man was sent the Splash About Warm in One to review and the first time he used it he was comfortable immediately. He always cries when we go into changing rooms or even just a baby change, but the minute we put the wetsuit on him he calmed down.”
“Both children were really happy and comfortable in their wetsuits and it made swimming that much easier – happy children definitely enjoy swimming more and being warmer definitely made them happier. The Splash About wetsuits are well made and a great investment. I know we’ll be using ours constantly when we go swimming, in the garden over the summer and when we go abroad later in the year”